Reminiscing of our Kindergarten Days

All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten

It was back to school for Verber Family Dentistry…all the way back to kindergarten! Here at Verber Dental, we are committed to the philosophy of “Extraordinary today, better tomorrow.” This saying sums up our ambition to grow not only in our work, but in our personal and professional lives as well. Every six months, we set a goal for ourselves to boost personal growth, explore new ideas, and broaden our horizons. As part of this goal, our team decided to have our own book club. Our team chose a book titled “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten” written by Robert Fulghum.

Our staff indulged in the spirit of kindergarten when we gathered to discuss the book. While sipping chocolate milk and juice boxes, we shared our favorite stories and tidbits from the book, and we even passed around photos and mementos from our own childhood days.

Throughout the book, the author offered refreshing perspectives of everyday life and the unique experiences he’d had. He focused his stories around values such as kindness, appreciation, learning, and family. His wide variety of tales offered something for everyone, as each one of our staff members was able to make a personal connection to the book.

One story we found remarkable was the tale of “Haiho Lama,” a humble yet very talented shoemaker who was devoted to the quality of his work and service to the community. According to the legend, a customer brought Haiho a pair of shoes in irreparable condition. Haiho realized that any attempt to repair the shoes would be futile, and that any repair service would not have served his customer well. However, as an act of kindness and service, he tucked a chocolate chip cookie inside each shoe before returning the shoes to their owner.  “Anything not worth doing, is worth not doing well” he stated.  What a story of commitment to quality and kindness!

Another story that stood out to us was the tale of the “gummy lump”.  The author described how families revere treasures like childhood drawings and keepsakes. Such articles collect in our homes over the years, becoming “gummy” by the cherished touch of sticky fingers and the age of time. However, we can never bring ourselves to throw away our “gummy lump” because of the sentiments and memories it holds.

The book club proved to be a fun opportunity to reflect on our favorite childhood memories and to connect with fellow staff members. It was a refreshing opportunity to look through someone else’s eyes and stop to truly appreciate the little things in life that mean so much. Improving as a team and growing as individuals enables us to serve you better.

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